?TheMovie4U? Free Full Contagion

?TheMovie4U? Free Full Contagion




Healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a pandemic as the CDC works to find a cure


Ratings: 6,9 of 10

country: USA

Jude Law

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Contagion film. Contagion online sa prevodom. Contagion trailer cz. Contagion full movie. Contagion definition. Well, have you ever sat down to watch a film and at the end, when the credits appear, you say, Wha. Well, if you haven"t, and want to, then you might want to see Contagion.
That"s not to say the film is bad, it"s just forgettable. The film stays in one pace throughout and if I had to compare it to a track event - I"d say it was a marathon, slow and deliberate without much pace increase. There are many unanswered questions (and not good ponderers either, just frustrations) and there is no "pay off. no one single moment of brilliance that makes you reflect and go, wow, yeah, that was good. Fundamentally for me (and I"ll try not to ruin it. there is a scene whereby a child is killed by the virus - and the grief is little-to- none. Not only is there no real grief in the immediate scene but none in the following scenes either - just seemed unrealistic to me and completely ruled out that character - also, ah screw it, I"ve said there are spoilers so I might as well spoil it. in the film you discovered certain people are immune to the virus - but this doesn"t add anything to the movie (unless I missed something in which case please let me know where I missed it.
However, the film does flow nicely, the acting is believable and the plot also tangible. In fact, with a better ending this may well have been an 8 out of 10, pushing towards a 9. So much is true for a lot of films. The Road being another example.
It is an interesting take on how "we" would react to a situation of this kind, and it seems plausible enough but give me Outbreak any day of the week over this movie.

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